Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Bjorn Wiinblad - Modern Danish

LOVE this designer from Denmark. He was a poster designer in Paris in the 40s and then worked until the late 80s. I stumbled across him on the lovely world wide web (upon realizing that I probably have been living in a hole if I've never heard of the guy) and spent way too much time finding as many pieces as I could. Not only did he design some fantastic posters, he also designed dishware, vases, and other household goodies.

The use of color alone fires me up, but the combination of whimsy and sophistication is downright genius. I think I might bid on one of his posters on ebay RIGHT NOW!!!

I think I might be in love. I mean WOWZA! By the way, 3 of these beauties can be found on etsy at gigimari. And there's tons more!

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